Phemtronics Phase Change Game
How to Play!
This “Phemtronics Game” is built-up by ICMATE unit as HTML application by means of Lumi software as H5P editor for the developing of interactive contents. You can play by means of a PC, tablet, or smartphone.
Phemtronics Phase Change Game aims to challenge scientists but also citizens in pairing cards containing a selected number of compounds with phase change properties to be exploited in photonics with cards containing some of their properties or applications. Every paired couple also reveal a particular curiosity about the compound.
In the wide scenario of phase change materials, ten of them were selected thanks to their special characteristics or applications. In detail: Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST), VO2, Ag4In3Sb67Te26 (AIST), Ge2Se2Sb2Te3, (GSST), GaS, In3SbTe2, Sb2S3, MoTe2, Sb2Se3 and MoO2/MoO3 were chosen and emphasized in the creation of the twenty cards of Phemtronics Phase Change Game.
Rules of the game.
Players: 1 or more.
Aim of the game: combining the right couple phase-change-material/property. The game starts by simply clicking on (or touching) the chosen cards The game counts the elapsed gaming time and the number of made attempts. The timing is stopped when a couple is paired and resumed when the next card is turned. A new card arrangement is proposed at every restart.
An additional “pill” of information appears when two cards are correctly matched related to a potential application. These special contents are thought for providing new insights about materials and so stimulating the players in enhancing their knowledge in optoelectronic world!
The game is thought to be inclusive with respect to people with sight deficiency by helping the player also with a voice who pronounces the name of the compounds when the cards are turned. Moreover, the game also wats to be fair in gender balance by using voices from women and men.
One player game.
You can play against yourself for decreasing time and number of attempts for completing all the couples!
You can aim to just decrease the spent time in pairing all couples and so bet on your speed, or aim to decrease the number of attempts, so trusting in your memory! You can also multiply time and number of attempts for gaining a lower and lower results, so coordinating your memory and your speed.
In the last case, consider only minutes (rounding to upper minute if seconds are 30 or more or to the lower one if between zero and 29. Ex: if time = 2:25, then consider 2 minutes; if time is 2:30, then consider 3 minutes).
Two or more players.
Several game modes are possible.
Phemtronics Phase Change Game aims to challenge scientists but also citizens in pairing cards containing a selected number of compounds with phase change properties to be exploited in photonics with cards containing some of their properties or applications. Every paired couple also reveal a particular curiosity about the compound.
In the wide scenario of phase change materials, ten of them were selected thanks to their special characteristics or applications. In detail: Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST), VO2, Ag4In3Sb67Te26 (AIST), Ge2Se2Sb2Te3, (GSST), GaS, In3SbTe2, Sb2S3, MoTe2, Sb2Se3 and MoO2/MoO3 were chosen and emphasized in the creation of the twenty cards of Phemtronics Phase Change Game.
Rules of the game.
Players: 1 or more.
Aim of the game: combining the right couple phase-change-material/property. The game starts by simply clicking on (or touching) the chosen cards The game counts the elapsed gaming time and the number of made attempts. The timing is stopped when a couple is paired and resumed when the next card is turned. A new card arrangement is proposed at every restart.
An additional “pill” of information appears when two cards are correctly matched related to a potential application. These special contents are thought for providing new insights about materials and so stimulating the players in enhancing their knowledge in optoelectronic world!
The game is thought to be inclusive with respect to people with sight deficiency by helping the player also with a voice who pronounces the name of the compounds when the cards are turned. Moreover, the game also wats to be fair in gender balance by using voices from women and men.
One player game.
You can play against yourself for decreasing time and number of attempts for completing all the couples!
You can aim to just decrease the spent time in pairing all couples and so bet on your speed, or aim to decrease the number of attempts, so trusting in your memory! You can also multiply time and number of attempts for gaining a lower and lower results, so coordinating your memory and your speed.
In the last case, consider only minutes (rounding to upper minute if seconds are 30 or more or to the lower one if between zero and 29. Ex: if time = 2:25, then consider 2 minutes; if time is 2:30, then consider 3 minutes).
Two or more players.
Several game modes are possible.
- Be fast! Every player will solve the game board on his/her own. The fastest one will be the winner.
- Lower number of attempts. Every player will solve the game board on his/her own. The player who made the lower number of attempts will be the winner.
- Lower number of attempts and time product. Every player will solve the game board on his/her own. The player who solves the entire board with the lower number of attempts and time product will be the winner. In this case, consider only minutes (rounding to upper minute if seconds are 30 or more or to the lower one if between zero and 29. Ex: if time = 2:25, then consider 2 minutes; if time is 2:30, then consider 3 minutes.)
- Game “one vs one” or “team vs team” or total challenge “everyone against everyone”. Every player (or every team) tries to obtain a right couple of cards by turning just two cards. If the couple is matched, the player (or the team) gain one point and can continue in a new attempt. The game turn skips to the next player (or team) when a wrong couple is obtained. The game continues until all the game board is solved. The player or the team who collect the highest score will be the winner.